Impulses and food for thought
Dear visitors, here in the blog section you will find flashes of inspiration, clever impulses and, above all, plenty of food for your further education on the topics of social innovation, ethical sales, acquisition for the good cause and (impact) scaling of social enterprises that are relevant for social and impact business.
Write to me: What challenges do you have? What are your hot topics and questions? Feel free to write an email to or leave comments or ask questions. I would also be very happy if you took part in my anonymous 3-minute survey. As a reward, you will receive my free eBook of the top 10 mistakes during your Sales4Good process.

“… there is penetration, annoyance, trickery …”
Christian Deiters in an interview with me that was published on (In German Language Only)
Sales is often unpopular with many social business founders. This is understandable, because unfortunately everything in the prevailing sales paradigm revolves around maximising profit, where the main thing is to penetrate, annoy, trick and manipulate the customer into buying, and people will sometimes go to any lengths to achieve this. Did you know that a widespread sales slogan is “FFF”, which stands for “Find, F..k, Forget”? That says it all, doesn’t it? It’s clear that nobody who works for better cooperation wants to be in sales!
#unfuck pitching!
I am often asked to hold pitching workshops or training sessions and I do so - but with a very critical view of the topic and a different approach to the one I am used to. Here I explain why. A "pitch" is generally understood to be a presentation of one's own services...
Give and Take
Give and take in ethical sales – in the right proportion and at the right moment!
The 7 guidelines of ethical selling
The principles of ethical marketing have already been very nicely laid down by the ethical move. The principles of ethical sales are identical in essence: Ethical Sales also focuses on people and the complete acquisition process is characterized by honesty, transparency, responsibility and integrity. Here you will find the 7 most important guidelines for ethical selling.
What are social enterprises?
People often ask me, what are social enterprises? To get it straight from the start: There is no agreement on this yet, but there are different definitions. Strictly speaking, social enterprises are enterprises who first have to be profitable like any other business....
Your beliefs?
Many social enterprises have a hard time with sales and acquisition. Typical beliefs written to me via email or in my online survey (which you are welcome to join) are: I can't sell. Nobody believes me. The good news is that in most cases this is not true. (Almost)...
No margin – no mission!
Everyone agrees that acquisition and sales skills are enormously important for social enterprises. But there is a lot of inner resistance to the topic of sales. Why is that? Firstly, because most people who work in a social enterprise want to do something good. They...
Acquisition is a matter for the boss!
“We are looking for partner managers / business development / sales experts” is something I hear and read all the time. In job advertisements, you can see that the future employees will be given other tasks in addition to...
Making contact at an event
You went to a big event to find business clients or partners. And then... nothing happens! the course of the event, you manage to talk to two or three different companies. They seem very interested, but nothing happens afterwards. Or maybe a first phone call takes...
Always up to date?
You have the possibility to subscribe to my newsletter here. My newsletter will appear irregularly, I estimate 5-8 times per year and you can of course unsubscribe at any time. The newsletter will contain a short overview of the blog articles that have been published in the meantime, as well as other valuable information around the topics of ethical acquisition and ethical sales, scaling business & impact of social enterprises, impact & purpose businesses.