Acquisition in times of crisis

Aim of this session: Finding the right approach in times of crisis
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many social entrepreneurs have got into difficulties – emotionally and commercially, as important business clients have been lost or projects have been postponed. But not only in sales, also in the acquisition or implementation of co-creation projects with important partners, the process has come to a standstill. Investors are dropping out, sponsors or funding institutions are showing disinterest. Everyone seems to have more important things on their agenda than your good cause. Dealing with this and creating opportunities to still be successful is the topic of this online workshop.
What you learn in this workshop
Duration: one hour
Costs:no financial costs for social & impact companies; 150 € for participants from for-profit companies.
Date: No current dates; Workshop on Request only.
What you learn in this workshop
In this interactive online session you will learn what the right next steps are for your impact business in times of crisis. We will help you to focus right now. You will get tips on how to stay in touch with prospects, business customers and partners without being pushy. We will introduce you to a successful approach to win new organisations as clients or partners even in times of crisis
After the session, each registered participant will receive a practical checklist for everyday acquisition during a crisis. Based on what you have learned, the templates provided in the workshop and the checklist, you can then develop your individual crisis acquisition plan. If you would like feedback on this, you can apply for a free, individual review session with me – check out “gifts”.
Voices of participants
“What I really like about this online session is that it is live, interactive and pragmatic. The content is delivered in a very targeted and precise way. Innovative ideas from the participants flow in and enrich the pool of approaches to acquisition.”
Anonymous Online-Feedback after the session. Answer to the question: “What did you particularly like about this online session?”
“As a structured self-employed person with little affinity to sales, Andrea picked got me right there: in her workshop she shared her impressive sales knowledge in a well-prepared manner, using various materials (presentation, e-book, checklists). This knowledge was tailored to acquisition in the (Covid19) crisis, which gave me a sound basis for going on. Really great!”
Martina Maciejewski,